Student Studies, CIE & Class Test Exam Result & Other curricullam
Date: 2022-05-17
Speaker: N.A
Parents teacher meeting was conducted in gym room. At first teacher presented their opinion about student studies of all students and then all the parents gave their opinion.Parents and teacher's face face to communication helps to know students learning process and problems. All the parents asked students regular attendance. The meeting was smoothly finished by the opinion of students future.
Report of the Parents-teacher Meeting
Parent- teacher meeting dated: 17.05.2022 by department of physical education for the session 2021-2022.
2nd sem and the 4th sem students and their parents were present. Topic of the meeting was students' studies, CIE exam result and other curriculam.
The meeting was finished smoothly with parents giving opinion on the topic too.
The students were resolve their problemlem regarding their studies, exam, developed a good relationship between teacher and parents. The students were motivated about their future studies.